Coil Washing Machines

Coil washing machines are usually positioned within a coil line, in many cases in front of a levelling machine.

Coil washing machines by smt are used if not only loose dirt but also relatively firmly sticking dirt must be thoroughly removed from the strip surface made of steel.

Our coil washing machines are well-known for their excellent cleaning result also when having critical surface conditions. The machines amortize in a very short time as the decisively improve the availability and quality of the subsequent processes.

Coils leave our washing machine is a best-cleaned way with a homogenous surface that afterwards only makes a constant process possible.

Coil washing machines by smt ensure after the cleaning procedure:

  • clean surfaces
  • defined surfaces
  • degreased surfaces
  • dry surfaces

By the use of coil washing machines by smt:

  • scrap and reworking is minimized
  • downtimes are reduced
  • die lifetimes are increased
  • process control is possible

Depending on the application different standard versions are available that are adapted to the customized requirements.

smt | schleifstein

Siegstraße 92 | D-57076 Siegen | Germany
Phone +49 (0) 271 7751-0