Press Automation

smt designs, manufactures and supplies complete systems for the modern and economic automation of individual presses and interlinked press lines.

With the long-term experience in surface treatment and automation in press shops as well as our continuous development of our products, we realize complex destacker, the press to press transfer and the automation at the end of the pressline.

Our range of machines and services goes from retrofits through modernization of existing press lines to new equipment.

smt offers consultation to the users in the automotive and supplier industry right from the beginning by relevant machine layouts, simulations, cycle time calculations and feasibility studies.

The equipment configuration individually depends on the specific customer requirements. Major influencing factors for the automation solutions are the available space conditions, the expected output rates and the available budget for investments. Our planning provides an optimized equipment concept for the maximum customer benefit and for highest productivity.

By this the advantage of our customers is to recognize already in an early planning stage the possible increase in output, the machine efficiency and process safety.

smt | schleifstein

Siegstraße 92 | D-57076 Siegen | Germany
Phone +49 (0) 271 7751-0